Monday, August 31, 2009

::: Boring and Alone :::

I'm so upset cause no one wanna talks to me.All my online brothers and sisters are
busy right now.I'm alone here.Huhh..Kak Sha,Kak Qilah,Kak Anniez,Kak Lynn..
please comment at the shout chat box when you're here.

Is it beautiful..jagoanYou can see Allah right in the middle of the necklace.=P

Only these for the week.Till then ta ta..bye

Be There

I really want my fellow bloggers to join a forum website named Cari Forum.
Please be the member of it..Here is the link:

It's a very useful site.Happy forum..035

Till then ta ta.byebye

Happy Independence Day

Today is our independence day.It was celebrated moderately since it was fall
in the holy month(Ramadan).I would like to say happy independence(Merdeka!)
May we live with harmony and dignity.

Hehehe.. Sorry I'm too desperate.At least,this picture showed the patriotic
value that the child had.021030


I envy you my friend in finding faith and help from Allah S.W.T.
You have changed a lot.
I'm so proud of you cause you're just a
student who's studying in an ordinary high school while me in
a religious high school.

But how did you find the light and guide? I'm here lost without directions.
I'm here crying for help and bless from Him but none I found it.I'm lonely
no one knows my hardships.I did ask to born like this.Sometimes I've
to let me
into those stupid words(songs) in order to forget those hardships.

I more willed to lost my own soul.Huhhh..I'm too lonely and I need guide.
I don't want this
really.I'm here wondering why my life is so complicated..
Why it's so quiet without laughter.
I envy you cause you never look worried
about your future and so on.Never you look
bad.People so friendly to you and
praise sincerely.You always shock others with your
own abilities.

I'm definitely an exact opposite of you..

My Worries..

Sometimes truth hurts sometimes lie is better.Things gone too far in my life now.
I afraid that I can't get through it.

Alone I sleep,
And alone I wake,
Alone I dream,
And alone I ache,

Alone I live,
And alone I cry,
Alone I think,
And alone I'll die,

Alone I try,
And alone I fall,
Alone I fail,
And alone I crawl,

Alone I break,
And alone I sit,

Alone I was,
Alone I am,
And alone I'll always be.

How I envy them poets and authors
To toss words into the air
And have them fall in perfect order

Why is it so easy to pour out my grief in a poem?
And so difficult to capture joy in print?
Joy exists in a fleeting moment

Grief lasts forever
Takes one to feel grief
Two to feel joy

My joy has already been shared and thus multiplied
My grief till now has been private
Alone in the dark my grief mushrooms

I need to find a friend to halve the burden
Will you be that friend?

Lightning Struck Al-Burj Dubai Tower 2009

It was happening in Dubai.A spectacular picture had been captured.
When lightning hit the tallest tower in the world.For as long as an
hour lightning hit the tower and the thunder sounded all over the

An unforgettable night!!

What a view!!aww


I'm totally livid with indonesian due to their stupid statements,thinking
and non-rational thinking..Despite of their anger,they have showed us

Lots of things that they accused us for stealing cultures,foods,songs,islands
and lands..

Currently they accused that we stole Lagu Terang Bulan(Negaraku)

Hahaha..Morrons!! I didn't hear any similarities between both songs..
So under the coconut shell..They also accused us for stealing batik,
Sipadan many to type here.

there is no end to these indon claims..marah3


Hehehe..another transformation..I'm sorry for changing the previous one.
I can't stop it due to some technical errors.Sorry for being inconvenient.
I'm not update this frequently cause I've to focus in my studying..

Till then ta ta.......capek