Wednesday, October 14, 2009

America Starts To Show Its Claws..

America is one of the countries which are very livid about
Iran's nuclear project.By forgetting their promises to stop the war
which is aborted when Obama started being a president.
The country is in a progress to build a massive bomb which is
rumored to be used towards Iran due to Iran stubbornness.

Ilustrasi yang disediakan oleh Boeing Co. menunjukkan bom MOP atau ‘penembus ordinans raksasa’ yang kini sedang diuji dan dijangka mula dibina menjelang pertengahan 2010, sekali gus menjadi bom konvensional terbsar dalam peralatan
perang tentera Amerika Syarikat.

Is this means that another big war will happen in the days next us?
This world is really dying to burst..

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